


HERE'S THE VIDEO: http://healthcorner.walgreens.com/display/1709.htm

Aired on Lifetime Television Sunday, November 4 and December 23, 2007

An estimated 20 million people in the US have diabetes - and more than six million don't even know they have it. Another 54 million people are at risk. The good news is that diet is a controllable and important factor in managing diabetes. Kraft nutritionist Arlene Sanoy, RD, says, "The major thing to realize is that someone with diabetes does not need special food. The key is managing the amount of carbohydrate-containing foods that are eaten. The second tip is to remember to try and eat meals and snacks around the same time every day." Also, remember healthy eating guidelines are the same for people with and without diabetes. Just start making smart choices by label reading. "On the label we have information about sugars and dietary fiber. In general, try to look for foods that contain three grams or more of dietary fiber," says Arlene.

For more information on the Kraft Good Eating, Good Living program, visit http://www.goodeatinggoodliving.com/.

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