
EAT MORE OFTEN, BURN MORE FAT (Obviously this comes with some rules...)

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Eat more often, burn more fat.
Obviously, this comes with some rules. How many times have you gone on a diet which began by starving?  Doesn't work.  (Nor do fad diets.)
Most people make a huge mistake and cut so many calories out of their diet that they put their bodies into protection or starvation mode. Your body has a natural defense mechanism that keeps you from starvation. You must EAT to avoid this. Of course you must do so while following some healthy nutritional tips!
Follow these tips for 21 days, and along the way, learn as much as you can about making good nutritional choices by reading labels on the foods you eat.
  • Determine your average caloric intake.  Add up all the calories you eat each day for 3 days and divide by 3.  Subtract 10-15%.  That will be your goal for each of the 21 days.
  • Learn what your portion sizes should be. It's not always necessary to count calories.
  • Create a reduction from your normal caloric intake by limiting breads/starches to one per meal.
  • Eat breakfast. Do not skip this meal.
  • Eat more early and less later – Breakfast and lunch should be your larger meals of the day.
  • Eat 5-6 times daily.
  • Eat every 2-3 hours.
  • Do not eat within 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Do not eat carbohydrates alone.
  • Balance is the key – Not too much protein, fat or carbohydrates.
  • Eat high quality lean proteins at every meal- fish, lean poultry and very lean red meats.
  • Eat high-quality carbs – 100% Whole Grains
  • Drink plenty of water – Green Tea and low or no calorie fluids.
  • Keep sugar to a minimum – Use Splenda or Stevia as a sugar alternative.
  • Keep sodium in check – Do not add extra salt to your meals. Eat foods from the most natural state possible – processed foods tend to have lots of preservatives, sugar, salt, fat, and those things that make you gain weight.

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