
"21 Days to Fitness" -- Getting set up for success -- Step 3

STEP step 2

Do your kids play football? I have two boys, and for the last two years, we've had both of them in football! They have had to learn the rules of play, the names of each position on the field, and what it means when they go "out of bounds."

Staying on a FITNESS PLAN works much the same way. I can't help you until you learn the "RULES OF THE GAME."

For example, you need to know which foods are carbs and which are proteins. You need to know how a fat cell delivers fat for energy, and what sugar does to your bloodstream.

I found it was much easier to "diet" when I knew the "science." Once I knew that white flour became like a pasty "glue" in my intestines, I didn't want to eat it as often!

donutarrow example of a white flour food

As you go through the "21 Days" program, you will learn more about each of these rules and how they apply to the game.

You will receive an email EVERY DAY for 21 days, starting on Day 1. Each email will have videos and a written lesson. Please take time to read the written lesson!

Also, please email me if any of the videos do not play, or if the written lessons do not click through correctly. I make all of my own websites, and it is very easy to make a mistake!

Please DO NOT get discouraged about the RULES!

My goal is to teach you the rules, and then as you learn to apply them for 21 days,
you will likely keep on following them after the program is over.

Even if you only follow the rules half the time, wouldn't you be better off then you were before the program started? Sure! Everyone goes "out of bounds" at times. Our goal is to minimize our "out of bounds" habits and MAXIMIZE our successful habits!

All of the rules apply to both the "HEADSTART" and the "FOLLOW ME" programs.

exercise dvd programs 1. Eat breakfast with at least 20 grams of protein.
breakfastWe, as members of Team Beachbody, think a Shakeology Shake is the best breakfast in the world. I was not a breakfast eater! But if you are a "breakfast eater," if you like eggs and toast, then by all means stay with that good habit. Your Shakeology Shake can easily be a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack. To learn more about Shakeology, click here. There are very few other products on the entire market, worldwide, that compare to Shakeology. It is not cheap. In nutrition products, "you get what you pay for." If you cannot afford Shakeology, I will give you some other less expensive options to choose from as the program goes along. However, if you are buying cups of coffee at Starbucks and cans of Red Bull at the gas station for $3 each, YOU CAN AFFORD SHAKEOLOGY!
2. Exercise every day.
workoutUnless you are pregnant, over 65, or have a serious illness (such as heart disease), WALKING IS NOT ENOUGH EXERCISE. Walking is movement, and movement is good. But it is not enough to lose weight at the pace that we want to lose it. If you are happy with losing 1-2 pounds a month, walking your dog and riding your bike are great. But when I was dieting, I lost 10 pounds a month, every month, until I got down close to my goal weight, and then the weight only came off at around 5 pounds per month (that's normal). I'll give you more details on exercise later.
3. No white flour (or as little as possible).
Stay away from white breads, pastries, white rice, white potatoes, cereals, and potato chips. Buy "100% WHOLE WHEAT" bread only (if you like rye or pumpernickel, those are even better). If the bread does not say "100%," do not buy it. Don't be fooled by "whole grain," or those breads with little oatmeal flakes glued to the top.
4. No fried foods.
Really, you should do this for the rest of your life even if you aren't trying to lose weight. There are some healthier oils that you can fry food in at home, but TRUST ME, the restaurants do not use them! Why would a restaurant pay more for a healthy oil when they can use the cheapest ones possible?
5. Do not go out to eat.
hotdogI know it will be hard for me to sell this one. I have a whole video on it in the program. It is SO IMPORTANT. Without going into further explanation, just trust me on this -- you will LOSE MORE WEIGHT if you eat at home.
6. Do not watch TV.
bellyfatI don't watch TV at all unless it's on while I am doing something else, like getting ready for work or eating my lunch. And when I do have it on, it's usually an educational show (I watch "Your Health with Dr. Richard Becker" almost every day during lunch) or "Enjoying Everyday Life." I only allow POSITIVE TV in my mind. The sole purpose of commercials on most TV shows are to show you how inadequate you are without the greatest "new product" they are trying to sell to you. Don't fall for it! Besides, you won't have time for TV anyway, because you are going to be too busy CREATING THE NEW YOU!
7. Eat dinner early and DON'T EAT AT NIGHT.
This is so important, I have a whole video on it in the program. For years now, I have eaten dinner with the kids shortly after they get home from school. (If your husband doesn't understand, tell him to give me a call and I'll be happy to talk to him!) If your husband is overweight too, OR if you are on a "late" work schedule, then follow this rule -- lean protein, vegetables (non-starchy), and 1 bread ONLY for dinner. I have a video in the program on how to cook 'light' dinners, such as soups, chili, etc.
8. Get 7-8 hours of sleep every night.
sleepHow to do this: Write down the time you need to get up in the morning, such as 6 a.m. Subtract 8 hours. Lie down in your bed at that time. >> I know that's complicated, but you can do it! You will be tempted to skip over this one, but I can assure you it is important. I have an entire lesson on "sleep" in the program!
9. Keep fat low.
junk foodCount your fat grams every day. According to the American Heart Association, no more than 25% of calories per day should come from fat, and less than half of that can be saturated fat. Everyone is different, so you may not know how much fat you "can" eat every day to maintain your weight, or how much you have to restrict it to lose weight. For women, start with around 30 grams of fat a day. For men, start with 50. If, by the end of the week, weight is dropping off of you like crazy, then you can probably raise that number up a bit. I have a lesson on good fats vs. bad fats in the program.
10. Keep protein above 50 grams for women, 100 for men.
foodCount your protein grams every day. This is a little more difficult than counting fat, but you can do it. Remember, we are only doing this for 21 days. The range for women should be approximately 50-130 grams, depending on height and how much you exercise. The range for men starts at 100, but can go up to as much as 200+. I eat somewhere between 80 and 120, and I am about normal height (5'5"). If you are very short, or if you are above 65 years old, you may have to play with that number a little bit, but never eat less than 40

Everyone's caloric needs are different. I have to eat much less than the "charts" say I can, according to my height. It depends on metabolic rate, how active you are, and many other factors. I usually recommend that women start at 1200-1600 calories per day, depending on height and age. Men can start at 1800, and go up from there. Calorie counting used to be hard! Now, if you have a smart phone app, it's easy. If you haven't invested in the smart phone yet, you can still use the computer.

How do you know if you are eating the correct number of calories?
If the weight is dropping off faster than you can count it, then you can have more calories!

I named this program Headstart, because it will give you a headstart on your journey to fitness. It will get you going in the right direction, with some structure.

In the Headstart program, you will receive
(if you live in my area)

After that, you will take responsibility for your own exercise.

It would be a good idea to buy some of the Beachbody exercise DVD programs to use at home when you cannot go outside because of weather.

I strongly suggest being a member of a gym. If you have babies or small children, there is NO BETTER BREAK than for you to drop them off at the gym's childcare and go take an aerobics class. Then you can take a shower (in privacy!) before you go home. It's the cheapest babysitting you will ever find! And the healthiest!

Don't worry about your kids "catching colds" at the gym's childcare center. If they don't catch them now, they will be sick again anyway when they start pre-school or Kindergarten. Colds are necessary for immunity. My kids "grew up" in the childcare at the gym, and look at them now -- big, strong athletes.

If you want to switch to the FOLLOW ME program at any time during the 21 days, you are welcome to!


I named this program Follow Me, because you will be following me to work out and doing what I do every day.

Over the years, I've had sooooo many people ask me, "Just tell me what YOU DO." So I decided to start taking people with me to see what I do!

You may not believe it, but I don't really work out that hard!
  • I DON'T RUN.
  • I DON'T DO WINDOWS (but that doesn't have anything to do with aerobics!)
Because I have so many school teachers in the program, I have scheduled the workouts at the times that are convenient for them.

I've also chosen the CHEAPEST and MOST CONVENIENT place to work out: LA Fitness.

LA Fitness is $9.95 per week. CLICK HERE to join. You must join ONLINE to get that rate. (I get no kickbacks from LA Fitness!) But it is near my house and has a good aerobics room. (There are also monthly rates available). ---> If that link does not work, just go to http://www.lafitness.com and look for the enrollment button.

LA Fitness address: 1861 MAIN STREET, KELLER TX, 76248 - (817) 562-3052.

Here's the plan:
Monday through Friday: Meet at LA Fitness at 4:30 p.m. every day for aerobics class. If it is a class that you can't do (for example, I am a terrible dancer), then you can go over to the treadmill and the weight room. I will be available to answer questions for you after class every day.
Saturday and Sunday: Exercise with your family or on your own. Planting flowers is not exercise! But I'd like for you to do LOTS of activities like that in addition to your exercise, as much as you can during the 21 days.

Follow Me members will also receive
(if you live in my area)

2 day fastDuring the program, we will have a Detox Day. On your Detox Day, you will eat ONLY fruits and vegetables (preferably more vegetables than fruits), and 3 protein shakes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You won't be hungry, you can eat as much as you want that day!

Beachbody has a Detox Weekend option called the "2 Day Fast." You don't really "fast" for 2 days, as in not eating anything. You will order the Beachbody "2 Day Fast" product, and drink it 3 times per day.

How to order the 2-Day Fast: CLICK HERE Then select SHOP, NUTRITION & SUPPLEMENTS, then WEIGHT MANAGEMENT. Order it from that page, it's near the bottom.
I hope you have already uploaded a picture of yourself on your Team Beachbody page. If not, CLICK HERE and do it now! A photo from your cell phone will be just fine.

WEIGH. Let me say that again. WEIGH. OK, just one more time. WEIGH.
I know you've been avoiding it. Denial only breeds procrastination. Just do it! This will make it slightly easier: weigh in the morning, before breakfast, before coffee, after going to the bathroom, with dry hair, no clothes on, clean out your ears and your belly button. OK?!

MEASURE. Someone will have to help you. Go get your sewing box and find a measuring tape in there. Measure these areas:
  • ABDOMEN (just under belly button)
  • HIPS
  • CALF
Write it down and post it on your refrigerator.
meats (chicken, beef, turkey, fish)

FATS are...
butter, oils, nuts, avocadoes, peanut butter

Peanut butter is highly allergic, I recommend staying away from it unless you have been tested and know that you are not allergic to peanuts.
CARBS are...
fruits, vegetables, bread, rice, potatoes, chips, grains, cereal, oatmeal, starchy vegetables such as corn & winter squash

*Beans and Dairy are called combination foods. They have a mix of carbs and protein, but since they are higher in carbs, they are considered a carb food. They are dietitians' favorite foods though, because they deliver protein in addition to the carbohydrate.

Have you read my
Makeover Story yet?

click here
before after

Your setup for success is finished!

clickhere to start 21 Days to Fitness!


On the next page, watch the video of Professor Puppet and then "sign in" on the form.
After signing in, you will receive 21 daily emails with your Lesson Plan for each day.

(If you have already "signed in" on the 21 Days to Fitness page, you do not have to do it again.)



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